Extra Life Incentive – Rob C

As promised, a Mii in your likeness kicking ass!! This one’s for Rob C, thank you so much for your donation!!




Remember, if you want to get this incentive, hop along to my donation page: http://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.participant&participantID=109813

We’re back! Hello Extra Life 2014!

Hey everyone!  The team is back at it again this year, and I have to say, we’re already doing amazing.  More than amazing.  Stupendous.  As of today, October 5th, a full three weeks before Extra Life even begins, Children of Akatosh have already raise nearly 2000 dollars for Johns Hopkins.  This is beyond anything we could have imagined and we are so entirely grateful to our wonderful donors.


This is AMAZING.  Thank you so much for your support, and we can’t wait for the Extra Life event to begin!  Here’s to hitting our next goal!

If you wish to donate, our team page is located here: http://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.teamParticipants&teamID=17578


Nancy turned her donors into sims! Thank you for the generous donations!

1st : Evan Donor.

2nd : Amanda Donor. I didn’t know who she was so I made her a cat.

3rd: Clara Donor.

4th: Kevin Donor.

5th: Marjorie Donor.

6th: Maran Donor.

7th: Brian Donor.

8th: The Mysterious Anonymous Donor! (He is a ghost)

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Kovac’s Rules…

Rule #1 – Don’t lock yourself in a safe room with a metric buttload of zombies and fat dudes swarming outside. Can’t sleep until they’re all dead. Learned that the hard way. My face is now raw hamburger.

Also, helmets with spiky mohawks are the jam.


Awful hackers..

A message from Extra-Life:

Dear friends,
We’ve discovered that the Extra Life website experienced a DDoS attack agianst our datacenter.  I am not sure what kind of person would DDoS a charitable initiative.
I am so sorry that you are going through this frustration today.  Our entire team is purely heartbroken that someone would do this.  But it has happened.
As frustrating as this is for everyone involved, it pales in comparison to what the kids we’re trying to save go through.  That reality, for me personally, is about the only thing keeping me somewhat calm right now.
I am very angry and very sorry.  You deserve better than this.  The kids deserve better than this.  Extra Life has given a lot of us some of the happiest moments in our lives.
This is not one of those moments.
Please hang with us through this. 
It is important that we spread the word. Please get on every form of social media you can and tell your friends what happened.  We can overcome this together. 
Be ready to make up for lost time and share the news when we go live!

UPDATE: Everything seems to be back up!